Friday, 11 May 2012

BackGround Wallpaper for Love Postcard Paris Blackberry 9900,9222,9360,9810,9380 OS 7

Get original wallpaper here
9220 OS7

9360 OS7

9380 OS7

9810 OS7

9900 OS7

Thursday, 10 May 2012

BackGround Wallpaper for Vintage Stamp Theme Blackberry 9900,9222,9360,9810,9380 OS 7

Get Original wallpaper here

9220 OS7

9360 OS7

9380 OS7

9810 OS7

9900 OS7

Friday, 4 May 2012

BackGround Wallpaper for My Sweet Cafe' Blackberry 9900,9222,9360,9810,9380 OS 7

Request guide for " My Cafe'" wallpaper

1. Forward the receipt from BlackBerry AppWorld to
2. Identify your BlackBerry model.
3. Your request  your Cafe's Name

**Get Original Background Wallpaper here**

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

BackGround Wallpaper for Selamat Siang Blackberry 9900,9222,9360,9810,9380 OS 7

Get wallpaper here

 Wallpaper for 9220 OS7

Wallpaper for 9360 OS7

Wallpaper for 9380 OS7

Wallpaper for 9810 OS7

Wallpaper for 9900 OS7